Ok, the word is out "I hate to camp" well outdoors at least. I attribute my dislike to camping to the bugs, bears and the lack of being able to get a nice long (at least 20 minutes) hot shower in the morning.

Bugs are gross and bears will eat you. I don't particularly like gross things the whole worm on a hook for fishing is gross, the act of taking a fish off of a hook is gross and slimy. And bears are pretty and all but from a long distance. When I moved to Colorado from Nebraska three years ago I researched "what to do if you encounter a
bear while running". I did the research but I am pretty sure I would still get eaten because I tend to panic in those situations. I kept my running to neighborhoods and avoided any trail running. And said a little prayer every morning before I went out. I am freak and I know it and I am OK with it. So thanks to my friend Trisha who by the way "is so pretty" has dubbed me the "The French Quarter Girl." I wear the title with honor because how many people in Colorado would actually admit to hating camping? It's like living in Colorado and not like to ski or hike. I like to ski but hiking still freaks me out a little you know because of the bears.

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