Mother's day is always a little bitter sweet for me, bitter because I lost my own mom when I was nine to cancer (yes, cancer does suck) but thankfully I had a wonderful step mom take over mom duties from there on out ( I often feel bad because she got the teenage years and that is a tough time to become an instant mom) but like baseball life can through you some nasty curve balls and in 1998 I lost my step mom in a car accident. If anyone is keeping track I am currently O for 2 in the mom department. But with all the set backs in life, life can through you some sweet meaty fastballs like the blessings of my three wonderful daughters who have given me the ability to see past the hurt and pain of growing up without my own moms and celebrate the beauty of being a mother myself.
I may not have all the answers all of the time and I wish I could call up one of my moms and ask for advice at times but the girls see me for who I am. I am a mom who is there to cuddle them when they fall, attend all, OK most of there activities, and a mom who no matter what happens in their lives will always love them unconditionally and accept them for who they are just like my own moms did with me in their short but extraordinary lives.
So this blog is dedicated to all the moms who are living extraordinary lives with their children and too my own moms who left the game way to early!
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